Weekly Bodyguard Newsblog 7

70% of organizations do not have a cybersecurity policy for ransomware
Organizations have improved security policies for many different cyber threats over the past year, according to Axio. However, protection against ransomware attacks lags behind.

• Multi-Factor Authentication (implemented by 44% of organizations, versus 37% in 2021)
• Prevent bug exploitation (42% vs 34%)
• Limited access to local administrator account (53% vs 44%)
• Restricted access to domain controllers (36% vs 31%)
• Evaluate the attitude of third-party cybersecurity (39% vs 29%)

But in the case of specific ransomware preparedness, the report finds that only 31% of organizations have a playbook for handling an incident. Bodyguard offers a software solution that helps employees recognize ransomware threats, see www.bodyguard.io.

Trauma due to cyber attacks among employees
Northwave research shows that one in seven employees experiences trauma symptoms, including sleeping problems and back pain, months after a cyber attack. About 75% reported having “negative worrying thoughts” related to the cyberattacks. One in five affected by a breach has considered a job change. It is important that organizations realize that such attacks can be (psychologically) taxing for their employees.

Cyber ​​attacks develop faster than municipal defenses
Cyber ​​criminals develop their tricks faster and more sophisticated than municipalities update their cybersecurity. The Information Security Service (IBD) states that if resilience does not improve significantly, more and more cyber hacks will follow. Having the basic measures in place, such as multi-factor authentication and adequate monitoring, remains crucial. IBD indicates that the majority of (ransomware) incidents can be traced back to the lack of multi-factor authentication or monitoring. Discover how Bodyguard can provide your employees with optimal security and monitoring www.bodyguard.io.

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